World War Z: A Thrilling Ride Despite Its Flaws

A review of the 2013 film World War Z, starring Brad Pitt, and how it manages to deliver a thrilling ride despite its flaws.
World War Z: A Thrilling Ride Despite Its Flaws
Photo by Oxana Melis on Unsplash

World War Z: A Thrilling Ride Despite Its Flaws

As a self-proclaimed zombie purist, I was skeptical about the film adaptation of Max Brooks’ bestselling novel, World War Z. The book’s unique storytelling approach, which presented a collection of survivor’s tales, didn’t seem easily translatable to the big screen. However, Brad Pitt, Marc Forster, and company have managed to create a damn good movie that’s surprisingly effective in its hybrid of action and horror.

One of the most significant departures from the book is the use of fast zombies. As someone who prefers the slow, inevitable creep of the undead, I was hesitant about this choice. However, the film’s execution of fast zombies is impressive, and it’s easy to see why they opted for this approach. The zombies are depicted as a force of nature, like a tsunami or a flash flood, overwhelming and unstoppable.

The film’s balance of tension and action is well-executed, with a strong sense of chaos and disorientation during the intense action sequences. While some viewers may find the shaky camerawork overwhelming, it adds to the sense of immersion and urgency.

The cast, including Brad Pitt, Mirielle Enos, James Badge Dale, and Daniella Kertesz, deliver solid performances that elevate the film. The script, despite its troubled production history, manages to stay focused on the core story, even if the conclusion feels a bit rushed and unsatisfying.

Brad Pitt in World War Z

In the end, World War Z is a thrilling ride that’s well worth the watch. While it may not be perfect, it’s a testament to the power of good storytelling and clever filmmaking.

Zombies on the move

“Mother nature is a brutally proficient serial killer.” - World War Z

The film’s themes of global politics and the human condition are hinted at, but ultimately take a backseat to the action and horror. If you can get past the deviations from the source material, World War Z is a blast.

Chaos erupts in World War Z

One final thought: there’s no reason for World War Z to be in 3D except to take more of your money. No joke, I forgot it was in 3D at one point until I took off the glasses to rub my eyes.