Unveiling the Truth Behind Veganism: A Review of 'I Could Never Go Vegan'

Explore the world of veganism with Thomas Pickering's documentary, *I Could Never Go Vegan*. Join the conversation on plant-based living and sustainability.
Unveiling the Truth Behind Veganism: A Review of 'I Could Never Go Vegan'

The Vegan Dilemma: Can You Really Say No to Meat?

In a world where plant-based diets are gaining popularity, Thomas Pickering’s latest documentary, I Could Never Go Vegan, challenges the common misconceptions surrounding veganism. Pickering, a dedicated vegan, takes viewers on a journey to debunk the myths and showcase the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle.

Thomas Pickering I Could Never Go Vegan A still from the documentary

The Vegan Advocate

Pickering’s film is a cheerful and persuasive take on the vegan lifestyle, reminiscent of the bold storytelling style popularized by Michael Moore. With clear arguments, engaging interviews, and compelling visuals, Pickering addresses common objections to veganism, such as the belief that meat is too delicious to give up or that plant-based diets lack essential nutrients.

Debunking Myths

Through insightful interviews, including one with Guardian columnist George Monbiot, Pickering dismantles the misconceptions surrounding veganism. From showcasing the evolution of vegan recipes to exposing the harsh realities of ‘free-range’ farming, the documentary challenges viewers to reconsider their preconceived notions about food and sustainability.

A Taste of Veganism

While Pickering’s approach may not be flawless, with quirky phone calls to his mum and a lack of detailed meal breakdowns, the film succeeds in tantalizing viewers with the possibilities of a vegan lifestyle. Despite the mouth-watering shots of non-vegan delights, Pickering’s message remains clear: veganism is not just a trend but a conscious choice for a better future.


I Could Never Go Vegan offers a fresh perspective on plant-based living, inviting audiences to explore the world of veganism with an open mind. As the film hits cinemas, it sparks a conversation about the impact of our dietary choices on the planet and our health.