Twisters: The Standalone Sequel That Delivers on the Thrills

The standalone sequel to Twister has arrived, and it delivers on the promised blockbuster thrills. With its focus on practical effects and a thoughtful portrayal of the aftermath of tornadoes, Twisters is a thrilling ride that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Twisters: The Standalone Sequel That Delivers on the Thrills

Twisters: A Thrilling Standalone Sequel

The wait is finally over, and the storm chasers are back on the big screen! Twenty-eight years after the ’90s classic Twister blew us all away, Twisters has arrived, and it’s a standalone sequel that delivers on the promised blockbuster thrills. Whether or not it lives up to the original might depend on your personal connection to - and nostalgia for - the first movie. But one thing is certain: Twisters is a thrilling ride that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

A herd of cows, but no flying cows

The movie starts with a devastating opening sequence, and we pick up with Kate Cooper (Daisy Edgar-Jones) five years after a life-changing event. She’s given up storm chasing for a simple life in New York City when her friend Javi (Anthony Ramos) pops by. He needs Kate’s intuition with storm patterns to test out a groundbreaking tornado tracking system that could help save lives. Reluctantly, Kate gets back in the game and crosses paths with storm-chasing social-media superstar Tyler Owens (Glen Powell) who’s as charming as he is reckless.

Kate Cooper returns to storm chasing

The plot might be generic, but the real star of the show is the set pieces, which absolutely deliver on the promised spectacle. Director Lee Isaac Chung and writer Mark L Smith employ practical effects with digital effects to enhance the realism. You’re in no doubt that its characters are in a storm, and it heightens the tension and thrills, especially during its intense finale set in a cinema in one of many nods to the original movie.

The destruction of Twisters in all its widescreen glory

The cinematography by Dan Mindel captures the destruction of Twisters in all its widescreen glory, and while there might be carnage on screen, it’s cleanly shot to ensure you know exactly what’s going on. The movie also explores the aftermath and impact of the tornadoes on local communities, portraying these themes in a thoughtful way, more so than the original did.

The aftermath and impact of the tornadoes on local communities

Twisters might not contain anything to elevate it beyond being a well-made, effective summer blockbuster, but you won’t be disappointed with the spectacle on offer. If you’re a fan of the original, there are plenty of nods to be found. It’s just that you probably won’t be swept up fully by what’s on offer.

Twisters is released in UK cinemas on July 17 and in US cinemas on July 19