The Wild Ride of Scott Scurlock: How to Rob a Bank

A thrilling true crime documentary about Scott Scurlock, aka 'Hollywood,' a prolific bank robber who lived life on his own terms.
The Wild Ride of Scott Scurlock: How to Rob a Bank

How to Rob a Bank: The Wild Ride of Scott Scurlock

I just finished watching the Netflix original film How to Rob a Bank, and I’m still reeling from the adrenaline rush. This documentary is not your typical true crime fare. It’s a high-octane thrill ride that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

The film tells the story of Scott Scurlock, aka “Hollywood,” a prolific bank robber who lived life on his own terms. Scurlock was a free spirit who defied convention, often going without clothes, even when entertaining guests. His massive treehouse in the Seattle area was a testament to his unconventional lifestyle.

The art of bank robbery

Scurlock’s journey from manufacturing top-quality methamphetamine to robbing banks is a wild ride. He was a mastermind who studied the comings and goings of local law enforcement, strategically planning his crimes to outsmart them. His real-life exploits often paralleled the events of the films he used as inspiration, giving the documentary an extra measure of cinematic flair.

The film also profiles Scurlock’s collaborators, including Steve Meyers, an artist who found that his work with Scott involved more creativity than his actual artwork. Meyers and Scott didn’t just succeed based on blind luck; they studied the authorities and planned their crimes with precision.

A precision-planned heist

Scurlock’s inspiration from cinema is fascinating. He committed his first bank robbery in a rubber mask inspired by the crew from Point Break. However, he quickly realized that wearing a mask hindered the element of surprise. Not one to let anything stand in his way, Scott found a workaround that disguised his identity while allowing him to blend in with the crowd. He used latex prosthetics like those employed by effects artists in Hollywood.

The art of disguise

The FBI team and local law enforcement personnel who investigated Hollywood share their anecdotes and chronicle the epic takedown that finally brought the prolific criminal to justice. The documentary is a psychological profile of a man with limitless potential who was too smart for his own good.

The hunt for Hollywood

Directors Seth Porges and Stephen Robert Morse take care to track down surviving players in the heist ring and those who knew Scott best, painting a compelling portrait of an infamous character. They effectively use candid archival footage of Scott and combine that with his journal entries, giving us further insight into his state of mind.

A complex and fascinating character

I highly recommend How to Rob a Bank. The documentary is as compelling as true crime fare gets, and Scott Scurlock’s story is so outrageous you’ll have to see it to believe it. The film is exclusively available on Netflix.