The Power of Name Tags: Jamie Lee Curtis' Crusade for Equity on Set

Jamie Lee Curtis on her crusade for equity on set and the power of name tags
The Power of Name Tags: Jamie Lee Curtis' Crusade for Equity on Set

Jamie Lee Curtis’ Crusade for Equity on Set: The Power of Name Tags

Jamie Lee Curtis has long been a champion of equality and fairness in the film industry. In a recent conversation with Kevin Hart on his SiriusXM podcast Gold Minds, Curtis shared her unique approach to promoting equity on set: name tags. It may seem like a small gesture, but for Curtis, it’s a matter of creating a level playing field where everyone feels valued and respected.

A Simple yet Powerful Gesture

Curtis explained that she asks film crews to wear name tags on set, not just as a courtesy, but as a way to break down the traditional hierarchy that exists in the film industry. “There’s something really uneven about our position on a set, on a movie, in this arena,” she said. “You guys know our names, we don’t know yours. There’s something inequitable to me about that.”

Jamie Lee Curtis on set, promoting equity and fairness

By wearing name tags, Curtis believes that everyone on set can be addressed by their name, creating a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose. It’s a small gesture, but one that can have a profound impact on the way people interact with each other on set.

A Moment of Solidarity

Curtis recalled a particularly poignant moment on the set of 2018’s Halloween, where the entire crew showed their solidarity with her character, Laurie Strode, by wearing name tags that read “We are Laurie Strode.” It was a powerful moment that Curtis described as the “high point” of her career.

Crew members showing their solidarity with Jamie Lee Curtis

A Call to Action

Curtis’ commitment to equity on set is a call to action for the entire film industry. By promoting a culture of respect and inclusivity, we can create a more level playing field where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. It’s a simple yet powerful gesture that can have a profound impact on the way we work together.


Jamie Lee Curtis’ crusade for equity on set is a testament to her dedication to creating a fair and inclusive film industry. By wearing name tags and promoting a culture of respect, we can break down the traditional hierarchy that exists in the film industry and create a more level playing field for everyone. It’s a small gesture, but one that can have a profound impact on the way we work together.

Jamie Lee Curtis, a champion of equity and fairness in the film industry