The Master of Suspense: How Alfred Hitchcock's Legacy Continues to Shape the Horror Genre

The Master of Suspense: How Alfred Hitchcock's Legacy Continues to Shape the Horror Genre
The Master of Suspense: How Alfred Hitchcock's Legacy Continues to Shape the Horror Genre

The Master of Suspense: How Alfred Hitchcock’s Legacy Continues to Shape the Horror Genre

As we celebrate the 125th anniversary of Alfred Hitchcock’s birth, it’s clear that the master of suspense continues to leave an indelible mark on the horror genre. From the iconic shower scene in Psycho to the eerie atmosphere of The Birds, Hitchcock’s influence can be seen in many modern horror films.

But Hitchcock’s impact goes beyond just horror. His innovative filmmaking techniques, such as the use of long takes and point-of-view shots, have been adopted by filmmakers across genres. And his ability to craft compelling stories that explore the human psyche has inspired generations of writers and directors.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Hitchcock’s legacy and how it continues to shape the horror genre. We’ll also explore some of the ways in which modern filmmakers are paying homage to the master of suspense.

The Original Slasher

Before Ghostface, Leatherface, Michael Myers, Pennywise, or Chucky, there was Norman Bates. The character, brought to life by Anthony Perkins in Hitchcock’s Psycho, was the original slasher. And while the film’s infamous shower scene may be the most iconic moment in horror movie history, it’s just one example of Hitchcock’s ability to craft suspenseful scenes that leave audiences on the edge of their seats.

A Legacy of Suspense

Hitchcock’s influence can be seen in many modern horror films. From the use of long takes to create tension to the employment of point-of-view shots to put the audience in the shoes of the protagonist, many of the techniques that Hitchcock pioneered are still used today.

But Hitchcock’s legacy goes beyond just filmmaking techniques. His ability to craft compelling stories that explore the human psyche has inspired generations of writers and directors. And his willingness to push boundaries and challenge social norms has paved the way for many modern horror films that tackle taboo subjects.

Paying Homage to the Master

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in Hitchcock’s films, with many modern filmmakers paying homage to the master of suspense. From the use of Hitchcockian techniques in films like Get Out and A Quiet Place to the direct references to Hitchcock’s films in movies like Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer, it’s clear that Hitchcock’s influence is still being felt.


As we celebrate the 125th anniversary of Alfred Hitchcock’s birth, it’s clear that the master of suspense continues to leave an indelible mark on the horror genre. From the iconic shower scene in Psycho to the eerie atmosphere of The Birds, Hitchcock’s influence can be seen in many modern horror films. And as filmmakers continue to pay homage to the master of suspense, it’s likely that Hitchcock’s legacy will continue to shape the horror genre for generations to come.

The Master of Suspense

The Original Slasher

Eerie Atmosphere
