The Idea of You: A Romantic Misfire

A review of Michael Showalter's romantic film, The Idea of You, starring Anne Hathaway and Nicholas Galitzine. Despite its interesting ideas, the film's execution falls flat, making it a romantic misfire.
The Idea of You: A Romantic Misfire

The Idea of You: A Romantic Misfire

As I sat down to watch Michael Showalter’s latest romantic film, The Idea of You, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. With Anne Hathaway starring alongside Nicholas Galitzine, I expected a sweeping romance that would leave me feeling warm and fuzzy inside. Unfortunately, what I got was a film that had some interesting ideas, but ultimately fell flat in its execution.

A still from The Idea of You

The film’s biggest problem lies in its inability to balance its tone. At times, it feels like a lighthearted rom-com, with Hathaway’s character, Sophie, navigating a complicated love life. But then, the film takes a sharp turn into more serious territory, tackling themes of grief and loss. It’s a jarring shift that left me feeling disoriented and unsure of what kind of film I was watching.

“The Idea of You has some interesting ideas on its mind, but its execution leaves something to be desired.” - JD and Brendan, InSession Film Podcast

One of the few bright spots in the film is the chemistry between Hathaway and Galitzine. They have a palpable spark that makes their romance believable, even if the script doesn’t always do them justice. But despite their best efforts, the film’s clunky dialogue and predictable plot twists make it difficult to fully invest in their story.

Anne Hathaway stars in The Idea of You

As I reflected on my experience watching The Idea of You, I couldn’t help but think of all the other romantic films that have done it better. From When Harry Met Sally to Crazy, Stupid, Love, there are countless examples of romantic comedies that have managed to balance tone and tell compelling stories. The Idea of You, unfortunately, is not one of them.

A romantic comedy that gets it right

In the end, The Idea of You feels like a missed opportunity. With a talented cast and an interesting premise, it’s a shame that the film’s execution didn’t live up to its potential. If you’re a die-hard rom-com fan, you might find some things to appreciate here. But for the rest of us, there are better options out there.