The End of Password Sharing: How Disney's Streaming Crackdown Will Affect You

Disney's streaming crackdown is coming in September, and it's going to change the way we watch our favorite shows and movies. Find out what this means for you and how you can still watch your favorite content without breaking the bank.
The End of Password Sharing: How Disney's Streaming Crackdown Will Affect You

Disney’s Streaming Crackdown: The Beginning of the End for Password Sharing?

The days of sharing your Disney Plus password with friends and family are numbered. As of September 2024, the streaming giant will be cracking down on account sharing, forcing users to either sign up for their own account or pay an extra fee to continue watching their favorite shows and movies.

Why is Disney Cracking Down on Account Sharing?

The reason behind Disney’s decision to prevent password sharing is simple: money. By cracking down on account sharing, Disney hopes to increase its revenue and make up for the losses it has incurred due to the practice. With Netflix enjoying a huge boost in user base after implementing its own password crackdown in May 2023, Disney wants a slice of the action.

The Disney Plus logo

The Impact on Consumers

While Disney’s decision to prevent password sharing may seem like a necessary evil, it’s hard not to feel frustrated by the move. After all, who doesn’t love sharing their favorite shows and movies with friends and family? But with the cost of living on the rise, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for people to afford the luxury of streaming services.

Streaming services are becoming increasingly expensive

A Stream of Infuriating Decisions and Price Hikes

Disney Plus is not the only streaming service to hike up its prices in recent times. With the cost of watching your favorite shows and movies increasing every year, it’s no wonder that people are starting to feel the pinch.

The cost of streaming services is on the rise

A Workaround for Budget-Conscious Viewers

While Disney’s decision to prevent password sharing may seem like a blow to budget-conscious viewers, there is a workaround. In late 2023, the streaming service introduced an ad-supported tier for those who are working to a tight budget. This tier allows viewers to watch their favorite shows and movies for a lower price, albeit with ads.

The Disney Plus ad-supported tier


Disney’s decision to prevent password sharing is a clear indication that the streaming giant is looking to increase its revenue. While this may seem like a necessary evil, it’s hard not to feel frustrated by the move. With the cost of living on the rise, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for people to afford the luxury of streaming services. However, with the introduction of an ad-supported tier, there is a workaround for budget-conscious viewers.

The Disney Plus logo