The Disappointing Fate of 'Tarot': A Horror Movie That Falls Flat

A review of the horror movie 'Tarot', which fails to deliver on its promise of thrills and chills due to a convoluted plot, weak characters, and a lack of scares.
The Disappointing Fate of 'Tarot': A Horror Movie That Falls Flat

The Disappointing Fate of ‘Tarot’: A Horror Movie That Falls Flat

As a self-proclaimed horror movie aficionado, I walked into ‘Tarot’ with high expectations. Unfortunately, the film failed to deliver on its promise of thrills and chills, leaving me underwhelmed and disappointed.

The movie’s premise, centered around a cursed set of tarot cards, had all the makings of a great horror story. However, the execution fell flat, with a convoluted plot that borrowed heavily from other, better movies.

The cursed tarot cards that were supposed to be the centerpiece of the movie

The film’s lack of originality was evident from the get-go. The plot was a mishmash of ‘Jumanji’ and ‘Final Destination’, with a dash of generic horror tropes thrown in for good measure. The characters were paper-thin, with no discernible motivation or backstory to speak of.

The college kids who stumbled upon the cursed tarot cards

The movie’s PG-13 rating also limited its ability to deliver any real scares. The few jump scares that were present were predictable and lacked any real impact. The lighting and cinematography were equally underwhelming, failing to create any sense of tension or atmosphere.

A lackluster jump scare that failed to deliver

In conclusion, ‘Tarot’ is a disappointing and unoriginal horror movie that fails to deliver on its promise. With a convoluted plot, weak characters, and a lack of scares, it’s a movie that’s best avoided.

The disappointment that is ‘Tarot’