Tarot: A Fate Worse Than Death

The latest horror movie, Tarot, promises to deliver a chilling experience, but falls flat with its predictable jump scares and paper-thin characters.
Tarot: A Fate Worse Than Death

Tarot: A Fate Worse Than Death

The latest horror movie to hit theaters, Tarot, promises to deliver a chilling experience, but unfortunately, it falls flat. The trailer sets the tone for a thrilling ride, but what audiences get is a lackluster attempt at horror.

The eerie atmosphere of the tarot cards is one of the few redeeming qualities of the film.

The characters in Tarot are paper-thin, making it difficult to become invested in their fate. When they start to meet their demise, it’s hard to muster up any emotions. The jump scares are predictable, and the plot is riddled with clichés. Even the final girl’s backstory, which shows promise, fails to deliver.

The creepy tarot-inspired creatures are a highlight of the film, but not enough to save it from its overall lack of depth.

The film’s budget seems to have been spent on the impressive creature effects and set design, but not much else. Tarot boils down to a group of stupid people doing stupid things, leading to their inevitable demise. It’s a tired horror trope that’s been done to death.

The film’s potential is wasted on a lackluster script and poor character development.

Tarot has been met with negative reviews from critics and audiences alike, with a dismal 4 out of 10 rating on Metacritic. It’s a shame, because with a bit more effort, this could have been a truly terrifying experience.