Shallow Grave: A Triple-Crossing Treat

A review of Danny Boyle's 1994 film Shallow Grave, a dark comedy crime caper that follows three obnoxious flatmates as they navigate a web of lies and deceit.
Shallow Grave: A Triple-Crossing Treat

Shallow Grave: A Triple-Crossing Treat

Danny Boyle’s Edinburgh noir debut, Shallow Grave, is a macabre black-comic crime caper that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Released 30 years ago, this film is a must-see for anyone who loves a good thriller.

The streets of Edinburgh set the tone for this dark comedy

The film follows three obnoxious flatmates, Ewan McGregor, Christopher Eccleston, and Kerry Fox, who get more than they bargained for when they take in a mysterious new roommate, played by Keith Allen. As the story unfolds, we’re treated to a web of lies, deceit, and triple-crossing that will keep you guessing until the very end.

“But Juliet, you’re a doctor. You kill people every day.” - Alex

Ewan McGregor shines as the louche and grinning journalist Alex

The three leads bring fierce performances to the table, with McGregor’s Alex being a standout. His voice is utterly distinctive, and his rodent-like smirk adds to the film’s dark humor.

A still from the film, showcasing its dark humor

Shallow Grave is a persistently cynical and uningratiating tale of nasty, greedy, and stupid people who don’t realize that the finders-keepers rule doesn’t apply to a suitcase full of cash. As the bodies pile up, our trio of flatmates must navigate a complex web of deceit to stay alive.

The film’s dark humor is balanced with a touch of macabre

With its turbocharged showmanship and nods to Ealing, Hitchcock, and Orton, Shallow Grave is a must-see for fans of dark comedies and crime capers. So, grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the ride.

The Edinburgh streets take on a sinister tone at night