Prasanna Vadanam: A Thriller with a Twist

Prasanna Vadanam, a thriller with a unique premise, follows Surya, a radio jockey who suffers from face blindness, as he navigates a murder mystery.
Prasanna Vadanam: A Thriller with a Twist

Prasanna Vadanam: A Thriller with a Twist

As a film enthusiast, I’m always on the lookout for movies that push the boundaries of storytelling. Prasanna Vadanam, directed by Arjun YK, is one such film that caught my attention. The movie’s unique premise, based on a rare disease called Prosopagnosia, or face blindness, had me intrigued from the start.

A Gripping Storyline

The film follows Surya, a radio jockey played by Suhas, who suffers from face blindness after a brutal accident. As he tries to navigate his new reality, he becomes embroiled in a murder mystery that puts his life in danger. With the help of top cop Vaidehi, played by Rashi Singh, Surya must prove his innocence and uncover the truth behind the murder.

Impressive Performances

Suhas shines in his role as Surya, bringing a sense of vulnerability and determination to the character. Nithin Prasanna, who plays a key role in the film, delivers a standout performance that adds depth to the story. Rashi Singh, as the top cop, is decent, but could have worked more on her expressions in the latter part of the film.

Technical Brilliance

The background score, composed by Vijai Bulganin, is impressive and elevates the tension in the film. The sound design is also noteworthy, adding to the overall atmosphere of the movie. While the camera work is average, the production values are decent, considering the budget.

A Thriller with Flaws

While Prasanna Vadanam starts on a strong note, it falters in the second half. The pace slows down, and the motive behind the murder is not convincingly portrayed. The film’s climax, although unexpected, feels a bit rushed.


Prasanna Vadanam is a passable thriller that had the potential to be more. Despite its flaws, the film’s unique premise and impressive performances make it worth watching. If you’re a fan of thrillers, you might enjoy this one.

A still from the film

Suhas in Prasanna Vadanam

Rashi Singh as top cop Vaidehi