New Life: A Thrilling Ride of Twists and Turns

A review of John Rosman's latest film, New Life, a thrilling ride of twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end.
New Life: A Thrilling Ride of Twists and Turns

New Life: A Thrilling Ride of Twists and Turns

As I settled in to watch John Rosman’s latest film, New Life, I had no idea what to expect. The synopsis was cryptic, and the trailer had left me with more questions than answers. But from the opening scene, I was hooked. The film’s unique blend of cat-and-mouse thriller and horror elements had me on the edge of my seat, desperate to know what would happen next.

At the heart of the film are two complex, multifaceted characters: Jessica, a mysterious woman on the run, and Elsa, the resourceful fixer tasked with bringing her in. As the story unfolds, we’re given glimpses into their lives, but the motives behind their actions remain tantalizingly out of reach. It’s a bold move, withholding clear motivations from the audience, but it pays off in spades. The lived-in performances from Hayley Erin and Sonya Walger bring depth and nuance to their characters, making it easy to become invested in their stories.

Elsa’s struggle with ALS adds a layer of humanity to her character.

As the film hurtles towards its climax, the stakes escalate, and the horror elements come to the fore. The practical effects are detailed and intense, making for some truly suspenseful sequences. While the film may not break new ground in its subgenre, its unorthodox structure and strong character work make it a compelling watch.

A still from the film, showcasing the tense atmosphere.

In the end, New Life may not quite reach the profound statement it aims for, but it’s a gripping, unpredictable ride that will keep you guessing until the very end. With its strong performances, clever plot twists, and intense horror sequences, it’s a must-see for fans of the thriller and horror genres.

The film’s blend of thriller and horror elements makes for a thrilling ride.

Rating: 3.5/5 stars