MAXXXINE: A Retro Thriller that Delivers

MAXXXINE is a retro thriller that delivers a fun blend of tough female protagonist, soft porn, detective story, and horror. Mia Goth shines as Maxine Minx, a star on the XXX movie circuit in Los Angeles.
MAXXXINE: A Retro Thriller that Delivers

MAXXXINE: A Retro Thriller that Delivers

MAXXXINE, the latest retro thriller from Ti West, is a fun blend of tough female protagonist, soft porn, detective story, and horror. Set in 1985, the film feels more like a 70s indie, with its mix of styles, songs, and subcultures.

Hollywood Boulevard in all its 80s glory

Mia Goth shines as Maxine Minx, a star on the XXX movie circuit in Los Angeles. She’s determined to break into mainstream films, and her talent is undeniable. When her porn colleagues and friends start getting murdered in horrible ways, Maxine finds herself in a difficult position. Marks left on their bodies suggest cult killings, and the Night Stalker is terrorizing L.A.

Mia Goth as Maxine Minx, a star on the XXX movie circuit

The film’s writer/director Ti West shows great love for recreating Hollywood and particularly Hollywood Boulevard in all of its freak-flag-flying 80s heyday. The slasher sequences have a bit of 80s flavor but also fit just fine in their present-day context.

Elizabeth Debicki as Elizabeth Bender, a hard-nosed director

Goth lives up to expectations, which is to say that she is terrific. Elizabeth Debicki, Uli Latukefu, and Giancarlo Esposito also make strong impressions. Kevin Bacon is overdoing it a tad as the out-of-town slimeball, but since the character is the type who would lay it on thick, the performance suits the purpose.

Kevin Bacon as John Labat, a private eye from Louisiana

MAXXXINE has a couple of moments where it teeters on being funny or scary and doesn’t quite commit fast enough to be either. However, these moments don’t severely dent the overall mood.

The poster for MAXXXINE, a retro thriller that delivers

While MAXXXINE doesn’t provide more narrative throughline with X and PEARL, it’s a fun blend of genres that will appeal to fans of retro thrillers. Mia Goth shines as Maxine Minx, and the film’s recreation of 80s Hollywood is spot on.