Longlegs Review: Satanic Fun Times with Nicolas Cage

Osgood Perkins' Longlegs is a masterclass in atmosphere and tension, a slow-burning descent into madness that will leave even the most seasoned horror fans gasping for breath.
Longlegs Review: Satanic Fun Times with Nicolas Cage
Photo by allison christine on Unsplash

Longlegs Review: Satanic Fun Times with Nicolas Cage

As we hit mid-July, the familiar refrain of ’the scariest movie ever’ begins to echo through the cinematic landscape. But what does that even mean? Are we judging by the number of jump scares per minute, or by the lingering dread that seeps into our bones long after the credits roll? Perhaps it’s time to redefine our expectations of horror and give credit where credit is due.

A chilling glimpse into the world of Longlegs

Director Osgood Perkins’ latest offering, Longlegs, is a masterclass in atmosphere and tension, a slow-burning descent into madness that will leave even the most seasoned horror fans gasping for breath. Nicolas Cage, resplendent in his ghastly makeup, brings the titular character to life with a performance that is both unsettling and mesmerizing.

Cage’s transformation into the creepy Longlegs is a sight to behold

The story follows FBI agent Lee Harker (Maika Monroe), who may or may not possess psychic abilities, as she delves into a series of satanic family annihilations that seem to be staged without the actual killer being present. As she digs deeper, she finds herself entangled in a cat-and-mouse game with Longlegs, a creature born with pale white skin and facial features that would give the Mask makeup department nightmares.

Harker’s determination to solve the mystery is admirable, if not foolhardy

What makes Longlegs truly shine is its ability to balance the ridiculous with the creepy, often veering into realms of dark humor and satire. Perkins’ visual artistry and tonal mastery are on full display, as he weaves together a narrative that is both cohesive and effectively unsettling.

The atmosphere in Longlegs is nothing short of unnerving

One of the standout scenes features Harker’s encounter with the only survivor of one of Longlegs’ killings, a formerly catatonic girl (Kiernan Shipka) who has some truly disturbing tales to share with the FBI agent. It’s a testament to Perkins’ skill that he knows when to let his actors work, framed in medium close-up, and the result is nothing short of unforgettable.

A haunting moment that will stay with you long after the credits roll

Longlegs is a true masterpiece of the horror genre, a film that cares about the viewer’s entertainment without sacrificing its artistic vision. So, if you’re ready for a satanic good time with Nicolas Cage, look no further.

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