Jessica Lange: A Legendary Career Comes Full Circle in 'The Great Lillian Hall'

Jessica Lange shines as an aging Broadway star struggling with dementia in 'The Great Lillian Hall', a poignant and powerful film that is a love letter to the theater.
Jessica Lange: A Legendary Career Comes Full Circle in 'The Great Lillian Hall'

Jessica Lange: A Legendary Career Comes Full Circle in ‘The Great Lillian Hall’

Jessica Lange’s storied career has seen her play a wide range of roles, from her breakout performance in ‘King Kong’ to her Oscar-winning turn in ‘Tootsie’. But in her latest outing, ‘The Great Lillian Hall’, Lange comes full circle, playing an aging Broadway star struggling with the onset of dementia.

Jessica Lange and Jesse Williams in HBO’s ‘The Great Lillian Hall’

In this poignant and powerful performance, Lange brings to life the titular character, a fierce and proud woman desperate to hold on to her craft in the face of declining health. The film, directed by Michael Cristofer from Elisabeth Seldes’ screenplay, is a love letter to the theater, and a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit.

A Life on Stage

Lange’s Lillian Hall is a complex and multifaceted character, a true lioness of the stage who has spent her life treading the boards. As she begins to experience memory lapses and confusion, her world is turned upside down, and she is forced to confront the very real possibility that her time in the spotlight may be coming to an end.

Lillian Hall, a true Broadway legend

The film is at its strongest when it focuses on the relationships between Lillian and the people around her, particularly her loyal assistant, played by Kathy Bates. The chemistry between the two actresses is undeniable, and their scenes together are some of the most poignant and affecting in the film.

A Poignant Performance

Lange’s performance is a masterclass in subtlety and restraint, conveying the fear and uncertainty that comes with facing one’s own mortality. In one particularly powerful scene, Lillian asks her assistant, ‘Will you remind me who I was?’ - a line that beautifully captures the fear and confusion that comes with losing one’s sense of self.

Lange shines as Lillian Hall

In the end, ‘The Great Lillian Hall’ is a fitting tribute to the power of the theater, and a testament to the enduring legacy of Jessica Lange. It is a film that will resonate with anyone who has ever been moved by the magic of live performance, and a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the show must go on.

A Life Well-Lived

As Lillian Hall, Lange is a force to be reckoned with, a true legend of the stage who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. And in the end, it is this fierce determination that makes ‘The Great Lillian Hall’ such a compelling and unforgettable film.