Guillermo del Toro's Haunted Hotel Stay: A Chilling Encounter

Guillermo del Toro's chilling encounter with the supernatural in a haunted hotel room in Scotland.
Guillermo del Toro's Haunted Hotel Stay: A Chilling Encounter
Photo by Sue Bell on Unsplash

Guillermo del Toro’s Haunted Hotel Stay: A Chilling Encounter

Guillermo del Toro, the acclaimed director of The Shape of Water, has always been drawn to the macabre and the supernatural. However, his recent stay in a haunted hotel in Aberdeen, Scotland, has left even him shaken. Del Toro is currently in Scotland shooting his new adaptation of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, and he decided to stay in the hotel’s infamous “Most Haunted room.”

Guillermo del Toro in a still from his film, The Shape of Water

The room, which was previously occupied by one of the film’s producers, has a reputation for strange occurrences. According to del Toro, the producer reported “odd electrical and physical” phenomena while staying in the room. Despite this, del Toro was undeterred and decided to stay in the room, hoping to experience some paranormal activity for himself.

“I always stay in ’the most haunted rooms,” del Toro wrote on social media. “The rest of the time: nothing. I have high hopes.”

However, it seems that del Toro’s hopes were not in vain. In a later update, he revealed that while nothing specifically spooky had happened, the atmosphere in the room was oppressive, and he could sense that something was amiss.

A typical hotel room, but is it haunted?

“The room has more than vibes,” del Toro said. “There is something angry and territorial there. A shred of rage.”

Del Toro’s experience in the haunted hotel room is a chilling reminder that even the most skeptical among us can encounter the supernatural. While he may not have captured any concrete evidence of paranormal activity, his account is a testament to the power of the human imagination and the enduring fascination with the unknown.

Guillermo del Toro on set, directing his latest film

As del Toro continues to work on his adaptation of Frankenstein, it will be interesting to see if his experience in the haunted hotel room influences his work in any way. One thing is certain, however: del Toro’s encounter with the supernatural will leave a lasting impression on him, and perhaps even inspire his future projects.

A still from the 1931 film, Frankenstein

In the meantime, fans of del Toro can look forward to his upcoming film, which promises to be a unique and thrilling take on the classic novel. With his proven track record of creating imaginative and captivating stories, it’s likely that del Toro’s adaptation of Frankenstein will be a must-see for horror fans and cinephiles alike.