Atlas: A Sci-Fi Misfire, and the Triumph of Flow

A review of the sci-fi movie Atlas, starring Jennifer Lopez, and a comparison to the animated film Flow.
Atlas: A Sci-Fi Misfire, and the Triumph of Flow

Atlas, the latest sci-fi movie starring Jennifer Lopez, has been met with mixed reviews. While some critics have praised Lopez’s performance, others have panned the film’s lack of originality and poorly developed plot. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the movie and explore what works and what doesn’t.

A Guilty Pleasure?

One critic described Atlas as a “guilty pleasure,” implying that while the movie may not be high art, it’s still enjoyable to watch. And that’s true - Lopez shines as Atlas, a government employee tasked with evaluating AI data to assess the likelihood of an AI-led invasion. Her chemistry with co-star Simu Liu is undeniable, and their banter adds a much-needed layer of humor to the film.

A Lack of Originality

But despite Lopez’s best efforts, Atlas suffers from a lack of originality. The plot is predictable and relies on tired sci-fi tropes, such as the rogue AI villain and the “chosen one” protagonist. The film’s themes of AI and humanity are timely, but they’re not explored in a particularly nuanced or thought-provoking way.

A Visually Stunning Film

One area where Atlas excels is in its visuals. The film’s CGI is impressive, with seamless integration of special effects and impressive action sequences. The movie’s futuristic world-building is also noteworthy, with a fascinating depiction of a dystopian Los Angeles.

A Misfire?

So is Atlas a misfire? Not entirely. While the film’s lack of originality and poorly developed plot are significant drawbacks, Lopez’s performance and the film’s visuals make it worth watching. Perhaps with a tighter script and more nuanced themes, Atlas could have been something special. As it stands, it’s a mildly entertaining sci-fi flick that’s worth a watch, but not a must-see.

Jennifer Lopez stars as Atlas in this sci-fi thriller.

A Different Kind of Sci-Fi

In contrast to Atlas, Flow is a sci-fi film that truly pushes the boundaries of the genre. This animated film tells the story of a cat who finds himself alone in a post-apocalyptic world, and must navigate a strange new environment. With its stunning animation and wordless storytelling, Flow is a true original.

A still from the animated sci-fi film Flow.

A Triumph of Commerce and Art

Flow is a triumph of commerce and art, a film that will appeal to audiences of all ages. Its themes of perseverance and adaptation are timely and thought-provoking, and its animation is simply stunning. If you’re looking for a sci-fi film that will truly challenge and inspire you, look no further than Flow.

A still from the animated sci-fi film Flow.