A Turbulent Ride: 'Sarfira' Review - Cinephile Central

Read our review of 'Sarfira', the latest Akshay Kumar film that promises action and drama but falls short of its mark.
A Turbulent Ride: 'Sarfira' Review - Cinephile Central
Photo by Drew Farwell on Unsplash

A Turbulent Ride: ‘Sarfira’ Review

Akshay Kumar’s latest outing, ‘Sarfira’, promised to be an exhilarating thrill ride, but unfortunately, it falls short of its mark. The film, directed by Sudha Kongara, is a loud, long, and bumpy flight that fails to impress.

The dynamic duo of Sarfira

As I settled into my seat, ready to be transported to a world of high-stakes action and drama, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. The film’s narrative is jarringly ham-fisted, lacking the finesse and subtlety that would have elevated it to something truly special.

“The film’s narrative is jarringly ham-fisted, lacking the finesse and subtlety that would have elevated it to something truly special.”

What’s more, the film’s tone is wildly inconsistent, veering wildly from action-packed set pieces to cringe-worthy romantic montages. It’s a testament to the actors’ skills that they manage to hold the film together, even when the script seems determined to sink it.

A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Sarfira

But what really gets my goat is the wasted potential of the true story that ‘Sarfira’ is based on. With a bit more attention to detail and a more nuanced approach, this could have been a truly compelling film. As it stands, it’s a mess of explosions, car chases, and over-the-top dramatics.

In short, ‘Sarfira’ is a disappointing outing from Akshay Kumar and Sudha Kongara. With a bit more refinement, this could have been something truly special. As it is, it’s a loud, long, and bumpy flight that’s more likely to leave you feeling frustrated than exhilarated.